Speed Run 4 Script | AutoFarm, NoClip, More -2022 ##VERIFIED##
In case you think we timed our jumps too perfectly, know that this speed-run was NOT focused on timing jumps. For bunnyhopping, we used a simple macro which presses the button assigned to "jump" repeatedly, for as long as it is held in. This was done to increase focus on less tedious and more complicated tricks in the run, as well as to prevent people from doing silly things like making an in-game script with hundreds of "+jump" commands and binding jump to the mousewheel as well as 12 buttons on a joystick to stomp on. In case you're wondering, yes, the above method has actually been used before the macro was voted as an option.
Speed Run 4 Script | AutoFarm, NoClip, More -2022
The tricks are listed by map and order of appearance. Not all maps are listed, as some do not contain any complicated or notable tricks that have not already been covered before it. You might notice I got bored and had a little fun with it, at the expense of humor everywhere, and I'm pretty sure it gets more and more disturbing as you go down. Further proof that I am slowly slipping into speedrun-induced paranoid schizophrenia.
Q.) How does he move so fast?A.) This is a trick called "bunnyhopping" and is explained under the HL2DQ Tricks text. You will see a lot more of this, so get ready.For this run, we used a simple macro which presses the button assigned to "jump" repeatedly, for as long as it is held in. This was done to increase focus on less tedious and more complicated tricks in the run, as well as to prevent people from doing silly things like making an in-game script with hundreds of "+jump" commands and binding jump to the mousewheel as well as 12 buttons on a joystick to stomp on. In case you're wondering, yes, the above method has actually been used before the macro was voted as an option.
Toggle extreme perspective correction.From techinfo.txt: For maximum speed, perspective correction is performed only every 16pixels. This is normally fine, but it is possible to see texture ripplesin surfaces that are viewed at sharp angles. For more precise texturemapping, set the console variable d_subdiv16 to 0. Doing this will resultin somewhat slower performance, however, and the difference in visualquality will not normally be noticeable.
See also: d_mipcap, d_mipscale
All known commands are listed below. Required parameters are listed in angle brackets and optional parameters are listed in square brackets. For example, the speed command is listed as speed [I:duration], which means the command requires an integer value parameter and optionally has another integer duration parameter. Details such as default values should be listed in the description.
Removes all donated items from the museum, emptying the museum displays and causing all artifacts and minerals to have the Gunther can tell you more about this... description. Does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have been found (i.e. the collection pages).
derekgraddy posted...ive tried all of those things and i still cant get more than a crawl. i tried setting it back to 5 and everything between that and 15 and my speed doesnt change at all. tried holstering and unholstering, toggling run/walk, changing armor, i am absolutely not over-encumbered, but i have noticed that when i jump i go faster for just a second and then once i land i go fast for another second but then its back to snail pace. is there a command to disable any effects activated by other console commands?---Set signature in options page. 041b061a72