NES Famico Complete Roms Collection For Nintend... BEST
This complete collection for The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) includes a nearly complete collection of all US, EU, and JP titles, plus a collection of over 1200 hacks, translations, and homebrew titles! (Minus the legendary rare 91 Nintendo Campus Challenge cart, of which no known full dump exists in the wild!) [See the full directory list here.]
NES Famico Complete Roms Collection for Nintend...
A great complete collection of SNES games. Even some hacks are included in this one. All regions are also included in this set. You'll have the North American, European and Japanese versions of all the games. Even games that were only released in one region. Also, some betas are included with certain games. This is great if your a SNES enthuaist. 041b061a72